Wednesday, 12 June 2013

Celtic Illumination, The part after the start, but way before the end, part two.

Now; when people talk about candles they tend to think of Elton John.  You know?  That song he sang, Roy Rogers.  I always thought he sang “Roy Rogers is frying tonight” making him a chip fryer.  He wasn’t a cook, he was a cowboy, which many chip fryers could be accused of being, even though these days they are mainly Chinese or Indian, but they all use fat, which reminds me of tallow and guess what, they used to make candles with tallow.
So I decided to listen to Roy Rogers, not the fellow who shouts “Hi ho silver away!!” but the one that Elton John sings and makes me think of candles.  So, Kimosabe, I began to wonder which shape I should use for the very first Celtic Knot candle.
 And of course, as normal, confusion reigned.  Reigned being the operative word, for there’s me, when I hear of Roy Rogers, thinking Kemosabe, as I did in the previous paragraph.   But that’s the Lone Ranger and Tonto.  Roy Rogers was with Trigger, hey ho, we’re back to the priests with guns again!  You won’t understand that because I haven’t written it yet.  You’ll have to read the next blog entry to understand that one.  I know, I know.  I haven’t finished this one yet but I’ve already written the next one?  Think drugs, clunk, click, every trip.

Then it came to me, in the middle of all these cowboys and Indians and priests with guns, I would make a heart.  This of course would symbolise me injecting life into Celtic Illumination, jump starting the beating heart that would bring to life the world leading, world famous, designer, candle making company that is known today as Celtic Illumination.   All I needed was a castle in Transylvania, a few bolts of lightning and everything would be tickety-boo!

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