Wednesday, 12 June 2013

Celtic Illumination, part 11, preverts

I wish people would listen.  I’ve just had the parish priest at the front door.  Unlike the riot squad he didn’t kick it in but knocked.  He explained that he had heard I was about to cover a model with latex using a four inch paint brush.  I was pleased that a man of the cloth might choose to follow the path of enlightenment that would lead him to the exalted position of master candle maker.   When I asked him if he had any of the necessary skills he replied saying he wasn’t sure but that he did have a Nikon D3200 with a Canon EF 85mm f1/2 lens.
I often wondered where these mucky photographs came from and was quite surprised when I discovered that my local parish priest might have prevert tendencies.  Although as a master candle maker I have to say that little shocks me these days.  And in my younger days I did live for a while in a parochial house with three priests and a deranged housekeeper, I kid you not.
However the interference of the local parish priest does highlight another skill that the apprentice master candle maker must get to grips with.  The skill is that of photographer.  I know, I know, taking a photograph is quite an unassuming process and these days with digital photography there could be nothing simpler, or so you may think, especially when the PR people are saying that all you have to do is point and click.
Not just anybody can pick up a camera and call themselves a photographer.  I could begin by explaining categories like choosing the subject, filters, apertures, focal lengths or choosing the correct medium and I’m not talking about contacting the dead here, although if you have studied some of the photographs on Celtic Illumination’s Facebook page you will see that one series of candle promotional photographs was taken at midnight in Boleskine graveyard, which is the graveyard on the banks of Loch Ness in Scottish Scotland, where Aleister Crowley often tried to summon the Devil himself through satanic black masses.
So if you think you could add the skills of vampire hunter and exorcist to your CV then please, follow me

So, you still think candle making is for you?

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