First of all today I would like to welcome all
the new followers to this Celtic Illumination blog, or as we are collectively known,
The Illuminati. The most recent being
Gillian Jane Sims, a poet, and most very welcome addition to our family. Some time ago I decided that if people who
followed Justin Bieber were known as Beliebers, or people who followed Aston Villa
football club were known as Villians, then those who follow Celtic Illumination
should be known as The Illuminati. So welcome,
you will be contacted soon regarding your blood sacrifice and monthly financial
donation, well; we are talking world domination. I know that it is usually this blog that receives
awards, and there are far too many for me to go in to detail, but this time it
is me myself issuing an award. Quite a
lot of you, The Illuminati, contacted me and said that when you started reading
certain episodes in this blog you felt that you had to stop, go right back to
the beginning and read this whole thing from the start. Didn’t you Angela, yes and you Ken.
Within the next day or two the total word count
for this blog will pass through the 500,000 word mark. For any of you suffering from arithmophobia that’s
half a million words and the same length as War and Peace although some people
argue that the actual word count for War and Peace is closer to six hundred
thousand words, it depends which language it is in. War and Peace is of course not the longest
novel ever recorded, that honour, if length is anything to go by, falls to ‘Artamene,
or Cyrus the Great,’ a French novel sequence originally published in ten volumes,
which to me is cheating, but the total word count is two million one hundred thousand. Not only is it probably not as good as my blog
but it is in French, I rest my case.
And resting is what I was up to back in England. It’s horrible having to wait to hear from
people, Jeffrey was having kittens again as I had now planned out three novels
for Alec Reid and we hadn’t even signed any form of contract with him yet. I couldn’t help myself, being a writer was
like having a nervous tick, and no Ken Clare I don’t mean a blood drinking
parasite afraid of meeting new people in social situations, I mean an
involuntary movement, something you had to do and had no control over. My Magnus Opus was always screaming at me from
the corner of my mind, demanding that I actually sit down and start it but it
was too difficult, although I think I was allowing it to be difficult. But I did have another writing challenge that
I set myself and that was to write a short story.
I had written plenty of short stories before
and each and every one of them, as you may expect, was a masterpiece, although
to tell the truth there are one or two you often wish you had penned under a different
name. I wanted to write a short story
that would make people cry. Sometimes
you are lucky enough to read a piece of literature that moves you in some way,
it may change your political outlook or influence the way you think about something. This was quite simple for me, I wanted to
write a short story that would make me cry and therefore hopefully a
reader. I understand that everyone is
different and that the story might not be read in a similar fashion by those who
would hopefully and eventually read it.
So as the days dragged by and we waited to hear
from America and the likes of the Teutul family, Gene Bollea or as you probably
know him Hulk Hogan, Alex Reid and one or two other celebrities that we had
approached. I set about writing my short story.
I have only ever read two short stories that made me cry and that was on
the first read, I have read them time and time again since enjoying that
emotional explosion and from then on would dissect each story every time I read
it trying to understand how the writer had actually done it. The motive for writing short stories can be
quite interesting. One idea I had was to
write a collection of thirteen stories, each from a different person’s
viewpoint but all focused on one specific event. Twelve people would witness a crime, or an
event, and each would give their version of what happened, but the final story
would be from the perpetrator. But the
reader wouldn’t realise the connection until they were reading the very last
story. Told you that I was as clever as
a pair of freshly polished shoes.
Sometimes you would write to a specific theme
perhaps for a short story competition where the focus and length of the story
is often dictated. So I found it
interesting that all I wanted to do was make myself cry. I know, I could have taken the easy route and
started punching myself in the face, but rather than take the easy option, I
found myself sat sitting at the keyboard with a blank screen in front of me. You can, for example, if writing for
competitions or magazines, write to a specific word count, I know here I go
again about bloody word counts, but many writers will tell you that each story
has its own length, which has been determined long before you write the first
word. So I had no parameters to keep
within, just one simple rule, or aim, make me cry.
This was around the time of some severe
droughts in the UK. People started
talking about aquifer’s, hose pipe bans and towing ice bergs down from the
North Pole. For us as a family it was an
interesting time as we were still spending much of our free time racing around
the reservoirs and forests on the far side of Wigan around Anglzarke and Rivington. The children were always asking questions
about the drought so I found that I was able to climb down the front of one of
the dam walls at one of the larger reservoirs.
Don’t worry it didn’t involve ropes and crampons, there was set of steps
and a hand rail going all the way down.
We were able to climb all the way down to the water’s edge from where we
could look up and using the normal, when full, water mark, that ran around the reservoir,
actually imagine the volume of water that was missing. I think it certainly helped the children
understand that situation.
I also wished that I had a couple of hand grenades
as the fish were now concentrated in one corner of the reservoir, near the
front wall and steps where we were, so I could have filled the freezer with
fresh trout, although I expect the fly fishing locals might have reacted badly
to my scheme. And we were getting to
know the locals as I had my three boys playing rugby for Orrell rugby club in
Wigan. I had always associated Wigan
with Rugby League and was pleased to find Orrell rugby union club where they
even had a cubs squad for those under eight years of age. I hope the children enjoyed it, I never once
feared for them as they each charged about for their various teams, meeting new
friends and making new enemies. James was
growing fast and was a very tall lad so quite obviously went in to the pack
while Gerard and Charles were little speed merchants who zipped about, always with
a smile on their face and the understanding that no matter how hard you get punched
in the face you should never cry. Bleed
by all means, but never cry.
But crying is what I was trying to do. I can remember sitting there forming a short
story in my mind and then starting to type.
It was like holding on to the reigns of a runaway milk horse towing a
milk float, worried about what is in front and aware, but unconcerned, about
the mayhem you have left behind. The first
story didn’t work. It was a good story,
well written, even though I say so myself, but no tears. I was disappointed but no tears. I would have to try again and apart from
wanting to produce a story that would move people to tears I wonder, if as recently
suggested by fellow blogger Colonialist, it was the Celtic quality of
bloody-mindedness that helped drive me on. Day after day I would sit there and write and
then one day it began to happen. I could
feel it in my bones, my fingers were flashing across the keyboard and I couldn’t
bear the excitement as the story poured out of me.
Two hours previously I knew nothing about this story,
I had no notes or plans, no theme, just the desire to write a story that would
make people cry. You don’t worry about
spelling or punctuation as you write, well; I don’t, the important thing is to
get the story out, to try and match the speed of your subconscious as the words
spew out, even at this very moment, writing
this, my fingers are flashing about, the screen is dotted with words underlined
in red and blue, grammatical mistakes and incorrect spelling, I’m sure if this computer
was any smarter it would be screaming at me, grammar Nazi that it is, but I wouldn’t
hear it as Etta James is telling me that “All she could was cry,” and she hasn’t
even read the story. The last word
crashed on to the page and the fingers stopped
I stood up punching the air I was so happy that I was crying my eyes
out, I had managed to write a short story that would make people cry, well; it
had worked with me, I could only hope it would work on lesser mortals. As I shot up, the back of my legs sent my
chair skittering across the floor. I was
so happy that I was crying that I looked about to tell someone but then realised
that I was all on my own, as I am right now, or am I?
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