Saturday, 19 February 2011

Celtic Knot Drum

I suppose this candle was a natural follow on from the Celtic Love Heart Candle.
This candle weighs 850gms and is five (5) inches tall.  Like our other Celtic Knot Candles, the Celtic knot that wraps around this candle is 10mm deep.
This candle, as I hope you can see from the photograph above, really does make a wonderful table center piece.
The black version of this candle seems to be the most popular, perhaps because the deep black color makes the gold paint stand out so much.

I have actually tried to cover the Celtic Knot design with gold leaf but it proved too tricky a job for me.
The white version is quite popular for weddings, as is the white Celtic Knot Love Heart.
Again, I only offer a standard range of colors with this candle being, Blue, Red, White, Black, Green and Orange.  However I am always willing to try and produce colors that match the customers requirements.

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