When I started this blog I was worried that I might not be able to add to it every day. And that has happened. At the moment I am re-writing a novel of mine called Do Abseiling Spiders Wear Crampons In Winter? It's a funny book about all the different situations I have faced on my journey from being expelled from boarding school to receiving an award on the New Years Honors list. I have written the book before, but due to my computer breaking down I have ended up with different parts saved from different drives. I didn't like what I was reading so I decided that the best approach would be to re-write the whole thing. Today I shall be writing chapter 14. I think there will be about twenty chapters, so once I have completed the twenty chapters I will have to edit it quite heavily and try to make sure that it will actually gets some laughs.
So, if you'll excuse me, all candles have been poured for today and now it's time to get creative. Type soon. Himself.